Taxpayer’s Right for Material Provided in Mutual Assistance Request

In this matter we are litigating a tax audit carried out in cross-border issue concerning tax residence status. With this particular line of multiple litigation angles in the matter, we are challenging the information requests made by the Finnish Tax Administration (”FTA”) to its counterparts in various other jurisdictions. This is specifically a case of publicity vs. secrecy i.e., whether the material prepared by the FTA and provided to the tax administrations in various jurisdictions shall be obtainable by the taxpayer in the matter. The FTA has denied the access by the said taxpayer to the said material.

Taxpayer’s Right for Material Provided in Mutual Assistance Request

In this matter we are litigating a tax audit carried out in cross-border issue concerning tax residence status. With this particular line of multiple litigation angles in the matter, we are challenging the information requests made by the Finnish Tax Administration (”FTA”) to its counterparts in various other jurisdictions. This is specifically a case of publicity vs. secrecy i.e., whether the material prepared by the FTA and provided to the tax administrations in various jurisdictions shall be obtainable by the taxpayer in the matter. The FTA has denied the access by the said taxpayer to the said material.

Taxpayer’s Right for Material Provided in Mutual Assistance Request

In this matter we are litigating a tax audit carried out in cross-border issue concerning tax residence status. With this particular line of multiple litigation angles in the matter, we are challenging the information requests made by the Finnish Tax Administration (”FTA”) to its counterparts in various other jurisdictions. This is specifically a case of publicity vs. secrecy i.e., whether the material prepared by the FTA and provided to the tax administrations in various jurisdictions shall be obtainable by the taxpayer in the matter. The FTA has denied the access by the said taxpayer to the said material.

One of the specific angles appeared in this case is the procedural circumstance whereby the tax authorities in other jurisdictions receiving the mutual assistance requests appear to be under the obligation to hear the taxpayer of those information requests made by the FTA, regardless of the main argument made by the FTA namely that by handing over the material to the taxpayer, the so called general benefit claimed as underlying would be endangered. So the question here is also whether the denial to access is proportional to its attempted purpose.

Further, as it has appeared, in the information requests made by the FTA to the tax authorities in a number of jurisdictions the FTA is making premature conclusions in law as well as unprecise descriptions of the facts and circumstances accumulated as information in the underlying correspondence between the taxpayer and the FTA, to the detriment of the taxpayer, and possibly causing damages to same. So, in this case a number of due process of law elements as well as the Rule of Law related issues in assessing the behavior of the administration are litigated as part of the tax audit and related disputes.

One of the specific angles appeared in this case is the procedural circumstance whereby the tax authorities in other jurisdictions receiving the mutual assistance requests appear to be under the obligation to hear the taxpayer of those information requests made by the FTA, regardless of the main argument made by the FTA namely that by handing over the material to the taxpayer, the so called general benefit claimed as underlying would be endangered. So the question here is also whether the denial to access is proportional to its attempted purpose.

Further, as it has appeared, in the information requests made by the FTA to the tax authorities in a number of jurisdictions the FTA is making premature conclusions in law as well as unprecise descriptions of the facts and circumstances accumulated as information in the underlying correspondence between the taxpayer and the FTA, to the detriment of the taxpayer, and possibly causing damages to same. So, in this case a number of due process of law elements as well as the Rule of Law related issues in assessing the behavior of the administration are litigated as part of the tax audit and related disputes.

One of the specific angles appeared in this case is the procedural circumstance whereby the tax authorities in other jurisdictions receiving the mutual assistance requests appear to be under the obligation to hear the taxpayer of those information requests made by the FTA, regardless of the main argument made by the FTA namely that by handing over the material to the taxpayer, the so called general benefit claimed as underlying would be endangered. So the question here is also whether the denial to access is proportional to its attempted purpose.

Further, as it has appeared, in the information requests made by the FTA to the tax authorities in a number of jurisdictions the FTA is making premature conclusions in law as well as unprecise descriptions of the facts and circumstances accumulated as information in the underlying correspondence between the taxpayer and the FTA, to the detriment of the taxpayer, and possibly causing damages to same. So, in this case a number of due process of law elements as well as the Rule of Law related issues in assessing the behavior of the administration are litigated as part of the tax audit and related disputes.

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00130 Helsinki, Finland

+358 40 523 2020

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Bernhardinkatu 5 A 5

00130 Helsinki, Finland

+358 40 523 2020

© 2024 Weckström Attorneys Ltd.